SUO By-election Oct. 9, 8:00am until Oct. 11, 11:59pm. Cast your ballot online and vote using your CWL. Any issues, contact

The Students’ Union will need to create your event on Eventbrite for you on behalf of your Student Association.  Please complete the request form and you will receive an e-mail once it has been processed.

Please confirm that there is no Eventbrite account set up using the student association email address and/or funds from the account is being deposited into an account external to the SUO.

Please note that all paid tickets are subject to all of the Eventbrite fees listed below.  These fees will automatically be passed along to the ticket purchaser during their checkout process.
Eventbrite posted new rates as of January 25, 2023.

  • Eventbrite Service fee:
    • 3.50% plus $1.29 per ticket*(to a maximum service fee of $24.95 per ticket) sold on all ticket types
  • Eventbrite Processing fee (Visa, MasterCard, American Express):  2.9% of the ticket price*

* –  or the current Eventbrite fees.

Please note that due to Canadian Anti-Spam Legistlation (CASL), attendees lists may not be used to contact them via e-mail, unless you receive their explicit consent.   Please fill in “CASL info” into the additional comment section below if you would like more information or have any questions.   Please see Eventbrites CASL page for further details.

Please allow at least 3 business days for creation and confirmation of your event listing.

The funds from the ticket sales will be deposited into the Student Association account approximately 7 days after the closing of the event.