SUO By-election Oct. 9, 8:00am until Oct. 11, 11:59pm. Cast your ballot online and vote using your CWL. Any issues, contact

Senate & Board of Governors
Board of Governors Representative

The Board of Governors (BoG) is the highest administrative body at the University of British Columbia. It oversees and directs all administrative and academic issues. The BoG establishes policies and constitutions and is responsible for the student code of conduct. Each year, a student-at-large is elected to sit on the BoG as a voting member and as a representative of the student body of UBC-O. Because of this, the SUO’s Board of Governors Representative is an ex-officio and appointed position on the Students’ Unions’ Board of Directors – a communications liaison between the two bodies.

Student Senate Caucus Representative

The UBC Okanagan Senate is the academic governing body of the University of British Columbia. It is responsible for the admissions, course and program curriculum, granting of degrees, academic policies, examinations, and appeals of standing and student discipline. Each year, students-at-large are elected as voting members on the UBC Okanagan Senate Committees. Because of this, the SUO’s Student Senate Caucus Representative is an ex-officio and appointed position on the Students’ Unions’ Board of Directors – a communications liaison between the two bodies.