Learn about UMO. SUO Fall U-PASS code email was sent on August 30th.
Please check your email and follow the instructions to activate your UMO benefit code.

Collection of student fees during the COVID-19 pandemic

Student Fees (2020-21)

Most student fees will continue to be charged as normal. We understand the questions this may raise as perhaps you are not experiencing the same level of access that you have come to expect. In some cases, access to the supports and services provided thanks to the collection of these fees will not be impacted.

When reviewing the UBCSUO website you will notice that the SUO charges fees for services available both on and off campus, including the Extended Health and Dental.  In order to ensure that our students continue to receive these benefits, we must continue charging the fees associated with these services.

Other fees, such as administration and building levies, do not have as clear a connection to a benefit when you are not physically on campus. It is important for the University and for the SUO to maintain operations, physical spaces, programming, and to continue working on behalf of our students.

Our work continues during these times, so that when we are all together again, there are no gaps in the experience you have to expect from UBC or your Students’ Union. Despite being unable to directly change most fees, the SUO continues to advocate fair and equitable solutions for students.

If you have further questions about our fees, please connect with Ali Poostizadeh, president@suo.ca

If you have further concerns about any fees the University charges, please contact UBC Okanagan Student Records and Financial Support Office via email at srfs.ubco@ubc.ca or call 250-807-9100.