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Standing Committees

The standing committees of the SUO are outlined in the SUO Bylaws, there are now seven (7) with the recent addition of the Graduate Student Committee, in order to better serve our growing graduate student population. Each committee is chaired by a director from the Board of Directors and facilitates the work and directives of the Board in smaller working groups.

Executive Committee

This committee consists of the five (5) executive directors elected by the student body: the President – the chair of the committee – the Vice-President Internal, the Vice-President External, the Vice-President Finance and Administration, and the Vice-President Campus Life. This committee is responsible for implementing the day-to-day directives of the Board of Directors, and to be the voices of the students who elected them.

Finance Committee

This committee consists of five (5) to six (6) members: the Vice-President Finance and Administration as chair, the President, the General Manager, the Finance Manager, and up to two (2) additional directors of the Board. This committee and the Oversight Committee must be the first committees filled by the Board, above all other committees. The Finance Committee is responsible for the finances of the SUO.

Oversight Committee

This committee consists of three (3) to five (5) members: the General Manager, up to three (3) non-executive directors, and one (1) student-at-large chosen by the committee and appointed by the Board. The chair of this committee is voted by the committee from among the student representatives. This committee is responsible for the oversight of the Executive Committee.

Policy Committee

This committee consists of a minimum of six (6) members: the Vice-President Internal as chair, at least two (2) additional directors, at least one (1) student-at-large, the General Manager, and the Governance Coordinator. This committee is responsible for making policy changes to the internal policies of the SUO, such as the Bylaws and Regulations.

Campus Life Committee

This committee consists of a minimum of eight (8) members: the Vice-President Campus Life as the chair of the committee, the Vice-President Internal, at least three (3) additional directors from the Board, and three (3) to five (5) students-at-large. This committee is responsible for all SUO event planning as well as the coordination of student volunteers.

Campaigns Committee

This committee consists of a minimum of six (6) members: the Vice-President External as chair, the President, at least two (2) additional directors, the Students’ Advocate, and up to three (3) students-at-large. This committee is concerned about campaigning, such as tabling and lobbying relevant government issues which impact students.

Graduate Student Committee

This is the newest standing committee to the SUO. Each Faculty Representative is a representative for the Graduate Students in their respective disciplines, however, with the growth of UBC-O there has been a need for more Graduate Student focused events and issues. This committee consists of a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of twelve (12) members: The College of Graduate Studies Faculty Representative as chair, at least one (1) and up to nine (9) students-at-large, one (1) member of the Executive Committee, and the Governance Coordinator.

Ad Hoc Committees

Ad Hoc committees are created on an as-needed basis. There are four (4) currently mandated in the SUO policies, which must be struck yearly to conduct business, but they are not held to the same expectations of monthly meetings, due to the nature of business conducted at them, they are:

Electoral Committee

Chaired by the General Manager of the SUO, cannot be struck until a CRO has been hired. Runs during election seasons.

Student Association Funding Committee

Chaired by the Vice-President Finance and Administration.

Media Fund Committee

Chaired by the Vice-President Campus Life.

Health and Dental Committee

Chaired by Vice-President Internal.

If you require more information about committees, please refer to the SUO Regulations.